This piece first appeared in the money section of the Saga website on 17 October 2012
The text here may not be identical to the published text



If you are a woman who needs car insurance or a man who is thinking of retiring and drawing your pension then you have less than three months to get the best deal.

Because from 21 December insurers will have to obey a new ruling of the European Court which bans pricing insurance differently for men and women. When prices are equalised whichever sex gets the better deal now will find they have to pay more in future.

Currently women pay less to insure their car than men do because women are safer drivers. But any new insurance written from 21 December will have to average out the cost between them – putting up the cost to women and bringing down the price to men. The Treasury estimates that car insurance for women aged 17-25 will rise on average by 24%. But the insurance premiums for men of the same age will fall by a lot less – around 9% the Treasury says. So women – especially young women – should insure their car before 21 December. It could be worthwhile even if the existing insurance has a few weeks to run. But talk to your insurer about penalties for cancellation.

Men of course may find it worthwhile to wait until after 21 December to insure their vehicle. But remember every vehicle has to be insured even if it is not used unless it is formally off the road and a notice from DVLA has been obtained. So if your insurance is due before 21 December it will be difficult to postpone renewing unless you put your car off the road in a drive or garage, cancel your car tax and declare it off the road.

At the other end of the age scale the problem is reversed.  Men who want to convert their pension pot into a pension get more per thousand pounds than women. That is because women live longer so their pension has to be spread over a longer life. The difference is only 4% or 5% so the change is likely to be small. But from 21 December annuity rates have to be genderless and men could see their pension offers fall slightly – perhaps £10 or so a year for every £10,000 they have in their pot. So men should consider converting their pension fund before 21 December. It could give them a higher income for life.

Women though may not find it worthwhile to defer claiming their pension until after 21 December when they might expect a higher rate. If you take your pension now you will get it for a couple of months longer and you will have to work out how long it will take to lose more than that by the lower pension you can expect after 21 December.

The new gender rules apply to other insurance as well. Life and critical illness insurance will rise for women and fall for men. But health insurance and income protection will be the other way round falling in price for women but rising for men. So it may be worth women buying life insurance and men buying health cover before 21 December. But only if they were going to buy it anyway and can bring forward the purchase by a week or two.

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