This piece first appeared in the money section of the Saga website on 3 February 2010
The text here may not be identical to the published text


You may be charged too much tax from April unless you act now.

HM Revenue & Customs is sending out 25 million tax codes but a large number of them are wrong. They tell employers and pension providers how much tax to deduct from our pay or pension. A copy headed ‘PAYE Coding Notice’ is sent to taxpayers and they are now dropping through our letter boxes.

Every year we are all allowed a certain amount of income before tax is paid. And our ‘tax code’ tells the employer or pension provider how much that is so the rest can be taxed correctly. This year the Revenue has moved all our records onto a new computer system. And it has got things wrong.

First, old jobs and other sources of income have not been properly closed down. So if you have changed jobs, had temporary employment, or retired in the last few years you may get a tax code for these old sources of income as well as your current ones.

Second, the new system divides your tax free allowance up among all your sources of income. So some of it may be allocated to an employer you no longer work for. That leaves less for the sources of income you actually have. If that happens you will end up paying too much tax on your income.

Call the Revenue on 0845 302 1443 to get your tax code checked. You may have to be patient as hundreds of thousands – possibly millions – of Coding Notices are wrong.

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