This piece first appeared in Saga Magazine in November 1998
The text here may not be identical to the published text

It's Fun to be 50

message to Prince Charles

Your Royal Highness! Your fifties are financially fantastic! Your income has never been higher. All those increments and promotions add up to more monthly money than you can shake a skiing trip at. And to crown it all, those endowment policies you paid for start to mature. On the other hand, your outgoings are tiny. That mortgage on the castle used to be a millstone that ground away a third of your income. Now it's just a pebble which barely dents the monthly budget. Better still, the kids don't loaf around expecting to be kept like princes any more. They'll soon be off to the army or university - or even a job! The only cloud is that more people in their fifties are made redundant. So no worries there then! Fifties? Fantastic!

November 1998

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