Title page of Sights A-Foot, a pirated edition of Rambles Beyond Railways. The publication date is not known, but this copy was probably printed in the early 1860s. The title page refers to The Woman in White published in August 1860 and it omits later works which Peterson referred to in later editions of other works. The text is taken from the second edition, including the updates Wilkie added in asterisked footnotes, but omits the advertisement (preface), the appendix and the illustrations. The title partly derives from Wilkie's own "...or, notes in Cornwall taken a-foot".

The Philadelphia publisher T. B. Peterson & Brothers published at least 11 editions of Wilkie Collins books and stories, often under its own titles. The Crossed Path referred to on the title page was Peterson's name for Basil and The Stolen Mask was Peterson's name for Mr Wray's Cash-Box. They were all pirated. Writing to Harper & Brothers in 1874 Wilkie called Peterson's pirate copies "a clumsy form of publication issued in Philadephia, without my knowledge or consent, and without offering me any share in the profits derived by the sale of the stolen goods." 

All material on these pages is © Paul Lewis 1997-2002