To Margaret Carpenter, 14 June 1869

ALS to Margaret Carpenter (1793-1872) [Monday] 14 June 1869. Single sheet, cream laid paper, with blue engraved address, no watermark, integral blank leaf 203x134mm. Traces of folds. In pencil on page one at foot 'Wilkie Collins'. Fine.

The Public Face of Wilkie Collins II 137-138

[90, Gloucester Place, 
Portman Square. W.]

Monday June 14th 1869

Dear Mrs Carpenter,

Thank you, most 
sincerely, for so 
kindly thinking of 
me. The little 
book will take its 
place among the 
relics of my poor 
dear mother which 
are now the best 

treasures that I possess. 
You could have made 
me no present that 
I should have valued 
so highly as this. 

I hear of you 
often from the Wards, 
and I hope you are 
able to enjoy the 
summer weather 
which seems to be 
slowly coming at last. 
As for me, the gout 
threatens now and 
then. But I contrive 
to walk it off - and 
I have really little to 
complain of.

With kind regards
Believe me
most truly yours
Wilkie Collins

My brother is staying with 
his father-in-law [del: at] in Kent.

The only known letter to Wilkie's aunt, Margaret Sarah Carpenter née Geddes (1793-1872). The younger sister of Wilkie's mother, Harriet, she was a painter who exhibited at the Royal Academy. Her daughter Jane married Charles Ward.

Charles Allston Collins (1828-1873) was married to Charles Dickens's daughter Kate and was staying at Gad's Hill Place, Rochester.

All material on these pages is © Paul Lewis 1997-2005