This email was sent to Money Box subscribers on 10 October 2006

Dear listener,

If you read the tabloids you can't have missed the adverts - write off up to 90% of your debts... rid your life of serious debt - and so on. Now the banks are calling for regulation of the growing number of companies which offer a solution to debt that involves neither borrowing more nor going bankrupt.

An iceberg from the Arctic threatens to heat up the savings market. Iceland's Landsbanki offers 5.2% now and guarantees that it won't fall below the base rate for five years.

For some time I've shredded any document which contains my name and address or any banking or personal details. But this week Money Box investigates whether the banks and other financial companies are taking as much care as we do with our sensitive information.

Single people under 25 on low incomes get less help towards their rent than other people. They tell us this discrimination stops them getting work and charities call for it to be scrapped.

And banks in Northern Ireland are told to change their ways by the Competition Commission. In future they will have to make their rules and charges simpler and explain them to customers more clearly.

Hear more on Money Box Saturday at noon, Sunday at 9pm and on the web any time – and there's loads more information on our website about these items now.

Best wishes,

Paul Lewis

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